We had fabulous weather today here in Poland and commenced selections this morning in the glorious sunshine.

Over the course of the day we pulled three of the mud ponds, did first and second selections, and then placed the selected Koi inside to grow on over the winter season... we also managed to fit in a shop at the local supermarket for food and drink for the Farm... but that is a totally different blog page ;-)
We have taken a lot of photos and videos, so we will let these speak for themselves…. Enjoy!

Every now and again when selecting, you find something a little bit special.
Some further selection choices from the day...
After much hard work from all of the team, finally the Koi are ready to be moved to the Fish House.
And now we head back to the house for dinner, a night of rest, and preparation to do it all again tomorrow. Thanks for following our adventures on the Farm.
Until tomorrow.